alright i'm a little disappointed that i'll not be able to shoot in the finals next sunday. only the top 8 get to shoot but i'm like 9th? damn wasted man but aiyah i'm happy enough that i managed to shoot my personal best! 342! YAYYY! :D it's a good start. train harder huixin! 350 here i come! woohoo! (: okay i'm a little high right now. HAHAHA. anyway, rifle girls managed to get team 2nd, rifle guys team 3rd and yuanyu, melissa, tiff, don and eelin are going to the finals! congrats ppl! JIA YOU! :D
okay so my whole weekend was POOF! gone. ahhh crap. didn't manage to do any work at all except going through great ex briefly and it's lit mock test tmr so what the hell am i doing blogging now instead of reading through great ex in greater details and analyzing the text? then again i couldn't care less. heh. great ex just makes me wanna sleep. :/
don't know why but i find this rather funny. HAHAHA. (:
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